The Ale Saviour Release 2

The Ale Saviour Release 2



Almond crossant & honey dew melon


Flowery, earthy hop notes and honey


Short & dry with hops & orange peel
Product Description

Red wine, Port & Scotch Whisky casks 46%ABV

In the chaos of 2020, our friends up the hill called us to see if we’d like to make whisky with the hundreds of kegs they were about to pour down the drain.

After many trips ferrying beer from beechworth to corowa in the back of a beat up old ute, this remark- able collaboration was born.

We distilled about 30,000 ltrs of Bridge Road Brewers beer to create a triple release of hopped whiskey that’s fresh, zingy and great collaboration.

This is very different to what we normally make here at Corowa Distilling Co. because it has been distilled from beer made with hops and a variety of grains, it is not single malt whisky…..its still whis- key but to be called single malt, it has to be made only with malted barley.

There are two variaties each release. A single barrel (where the whiskey has spent its whole maturation in one barrel and producing a smaller quantity of bottles) and a vatted bottling ( where a selection of casks are married together to create a bigger release).


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